Listen: P-Nidra 3, To Fly

Listen to P-Nidra 3, To Fly (38 mins)

In this visualisation, a beautiful imagery has come up. The heart, scapulae, throat, jaw, temporal bones (around the ears) and parietal bones (top of the head) can work together like a pair of wings of a bird and we can fly…!

P has decided to return to her own country home in a month time, as her conditions have improved. It means an ending of our weekly sessions after 15 months. A departure. A good one. Although she is close to my mother’s age, I feel like a mother bird for her. I am pleased with this imagery that came down in the visualisation. P is expanding and flying out with hope and freedom. I am happy and a little excited.

And do not forget. We can always come back to the midline, the core and the self.

These balance seems to be the key for the healthy self.

Many of us if not all hold some tensions around the heart and shoulders. May the imagery of wings help us to free ourselves, and to fly out into the sky.